A short while ago I returned to
my cell after attending the evening's Bible study in our chapel. The teacher talked about love and he used 1 John 4:7-21
as his text.
My heart is always convicted when I recieve a teaching about
loving others, because, like most people, I fall short in this area.
Some of the men get on my nerves so much with their treacherous
ways that it is only by the grace of God that I do not lose my temper and end up saying and doing things that I would
immediately regret.
Nevertheless, as I continue on in this spiritual journey
I could see how much I've grown. I still have a long way to go as I press on to Christian maturity, however. But I remember the way I lived before I was a believer in Christ.
My life was empty. My emotions would quickly get out of control at any little provocation. And I had my share
of fights and cussing matches with the other prisoners.
Nowadays, though, I bow my heart with thanksgiving because
I know that I don't have to live this way any more. I am a new creation in Christ. I don't need fists or
harsh words to fix situations. Instead I simply pray and trust the Lord to handle my problems. I try to allow His
peace to rule in my heart. I know I have come far, and this is good.
David Berkowitz
June 28, 2005
(c) 2005 David Berkowitz